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Data Source: 證券櫃檯買賣中心 Open API

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Dividend Policy

TSC’s dividend policy aligns with current and future development plans, taking into consideration the investment environment, capital needs, domestic and international competition, and other factors that affect shareholder interests. The distribution of shareholder dividends is proposed by the board of directors, and upon approval at the shareholders’ meeting, the distribution is carried out. If the distribution of profits is resolved, the distribution ratio shall not be less than 10% of the distributable profits for the current year. Dividends may be distributed in the form of cash or stock, with the proportion of cash dividends not being less than 10% of the total dividend amount. If the cash dividend per share is less than $0.2, it will be distributed in the form of stock dividends.

Dividend History

Dividend yearDate of the Shareholders' MeetingDividend
Cash Dividends (NTD/Share)Stock Dividend from Retained Earnings
2023Jun 19, 20242.000.00
2022Jun 19, 20234.000.00
2021Jun 21, 20222.500.00
2020Jun 16, 20211.500.00
2019Jun 16, 20201.500.00
2018Jun 14, 20193.000.00
2017Jun 15, 20182.980.00
2016Jun 13, 20172.500.00
2015Jun 13, 20162.500.00
2014Jun 18, 20152.000.00
2013Jun 18, 20141.190.00
2012Jun 19, 20130.500.00
2011Jun 27, 20121.000.00
2010Jun 15, 20111.200.00
2009Jun 15, 20100.400.00
2008Jun 19, 20090.000.00
2007Jun 13, 20080.690.00
2006Jun 13, 20070.950.00
2005Jun 14, 20060.300.00
2004Jun 14, 20050.200.00
2003Jun 15, 20040.400.40
2002Jun 23, 20030.400.40
2001Jun 24, 20020.000.80
2000May 28, 20010.200.80
1999May 22, 20000.000.71
1998Jun 21, 19990.002.00
1997Jun 19, 19980.002.00
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